welcome to Jesus Way Fellowship Center
WE LIVE TO PRAISE HIMIt began with a dream... In November 1988, Pastor Elaine Johnson saw people gathering in her home for ministry. In June 1989, with three to five steady people coming together for Bible study, what was a dream became authenticity. These willing vessels gathered in the home of Pastor Johnson. At that time, it was merely a gathering to share the Word of God. God began to move so mightily in that small group that we started calling it the Prayer and Praise Power Service. The Prayer and Praise Power Service grew in record time. The Lord blessed our small group and within months, it was impossible to get everyone into the Pastor's home. The group moved to the home of another Church member. It was then that God began to prepare us to become a Church body, for we were no longer small in number.
We prayed for God's divine will. It was through much prayer and fasting that we were led to move out of the homes. It had become a challenge to assemble the many souls that God was sending into the services. The Prayer and Praise Power group leased a conference room at the "InnKeeper Hotel" in Hopewell, VA. The church name and motto was born as individuals sought God. As Jesus Way Fellowship magnified the Lord, hotel occupants wandered from their rooms into our midst and many were saved. The Lord put His approval upon the ministry and within three months, we were praying and believing God to help us find another location. This served as confirmation of the dream that God had given to Pastor Elaine Johnson in November 1988. A great need for our own facility began to enter the hearts of the saints. We began to seek God for direction. The saints prayed and fasted and in a short time, the Lord gave the vision for the "new church." Countless obstacles arose, but as we pressed God moved by His mighty power. God allowed the doors to our own facility to be opened within thirty days. We were so blessed to have our own building that we worked day and night to make it a place of worship. The Spirit was high among the saints.
On May 11, 1991, Mother's Day, in the midst of cries of victory, a motorcade made its way from the homes where we started to the Innkeeper Hotel. Triumphs of joy and the Glory of the Lord reigned among us as the motorcade proceeded from the InnKeeper to the City of Petersburg. Gratitude, tears of joy and laughter filled the air for we were on our way to the building that God had given us. As we prepared for praise and worship, we declared with thanksgiving: "We are more than conquerors!" As the song of praise filled the air, we knew the Lord had ordered our steps. For even the street name "Jerusalem Avenue" was a miracle. God brought us a mighty long way. For within a year we moved from the homes, to the Innkeeper and then to our own facility. With God's leading, much has been accomplished in Jesus' name. The ministry continues to grow.
Today the ministry operates with many auxiliaries and outreach ministries. The church has expanded from 600 S. Crater Rd to 660 S. Crater Rd. in less than 10 years. With our expansion, we have erected a new edifice that allowed us to expand and grow. God continues to add to the church daily! As of April 2002 Jesus Way Fellowship Center now owns from Jerusalem Ave. to Reservoir Avenue. God promised us the entire block, and we have possessed it and more.
Apostle Johnson and the Jesus Way Fellowship family gives glory to God for what He has done. We have come this far by faith! God continues to fulfill His promises to us.
11AM - 12PM Mid-week Service (Conference call): 1-848-777-1212 (660-660) Covid Office Operating Hours: TUES: 9AM - 1PM THURS: 9AM - 1PM |
7:00 p.m. - Bible Study (Conference call): 1-848-777-1212 (660-660) |
660 South Crater Road, Petersburg, Va. 23803

The expressed purpose of Jesus Way Fellowship Center is to Glorify God who has given Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. We are committed to the preaching and teaching of the gospel concerning the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In glorifying God, we enter public worship services, seeking to give adequate expression of our profound and dedicated commitment to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - to Him who loved us and gave His life freely for us.
We are agents of change for God, committed to our local community and unto the ends of the earth to win souls at all cost. We aim to urge all believers to live an Empowered, Spirit-filled life in preparation for the coming of our Lord.
The Pastor and Leaders
Inspirational Messages from our Leadership